The Devastator was founded in late 2009 by writers Geoffrey Golden and Amanda Meadows with the goal to revive the tradition of print humor with new voices. The Devastator quickly became a critically-acclaimed humor publisher with its eponymous anthology series, loved by Wired, AV Club, CBR, Nerdist, and Entertainment Weekly. By 2013, Golden and Meadows, along with their six contributing editors, transformed the press into a full line publisher releasing 12 comedy books and zines per year. As Devastator Press titles were distributed internationally, their authors toured comic-cons and festivals across North America, and performed live shows. In addition to print, The Devastator has produced podcasts, video games, and live events. Like Wolverine’s best friend, The Devastator has morphed many times since its founding. In its current incarnation, The Devastator is a creative studio. We produce, consult, and goof about for entertainment clients.